
Yep… I’m back again. That dude who blogs with the the frequency of a lunar eclipse… Lol.. Anyway!

So I’m at work and I was looking at the sky, the way the clouds light up when the lightning strikes. And I was thinking to myself how magical and beautiful that looks. Then I started wondering why today? Why am I seeing the beauty and majesty today. Usually when I’m at work and I start to see storm/rain clouds gathering, I already get pissed off. I think of how much it’s gonna be a drag to work in the rain.

And it hit me that I’m in a particularly good mood today. I don’t really know why I’m extra cheery today, but I am. And in turn my outlook on things is also cheery. Even the things that normally get me in a funk don’t really phase me.

It’s very important to keep track of the energy you give attention to. Also emotional intelligence is very helpful as it allows you to assess and be aware of the root of your feelings.

When you’re in a bad space, everything just seems like it’s working against you. Even things you have no control over like the weather! Even the words we use are affected. If you’re happy, it’s rain clouds. If you’re in a funk it’s storm clouds!

The biggest problem to humanity (according to me), is the constant need to have control over everything, even things beyond us. It’s this need that escalates our discomfort when we’re in a bad space. When you’re in a bad mood you want to control everything, the weather, how much work you’re supposed to have/do, how other people interact with you. And failure to have this control digs us deeper into this funk we’re feeling. This is where emotional intelligence plays a major role. If you can stop and analyze why exactly are you in your funk, only then will you start to see that the weather, your work and other people aren’t the cause. You might be in a bad mood because your paycheck is late, and the landlord is on your case for example. And then you’ll start to see that the weather isn’t bad because God just wants to pile on more crap to your already crappy day. Even the example I gave of the landlord doesn’t have to result in you having a horrible day further.

Everything boils down to one person, YOU! And trust me when I tell you it’s not easy to “control” the way you react to life and its challenges. But when we stop (or try at least) wanting to control everything and keep to things within our realm of influence, we find that there’s actually not that many things that are “going wrong” in our lives. I fail this exercise many times! But I’ve realised that once you start practicing to stop and evaluate the source of your feelings (good or bad), slowly you start not to be bothered by the same thing more than twice. You actually gain more control of yourself, your feelings, the more you stop trying to control everything else.

So the next time you feel a particular way (especially when the feeling is intense), whether it be good or bad, just pause and evaluate the true cause of your feelings. Break it down as far and as detailed as you can. Then once you pinpoint the root, you can either water it (if it’s good) or cut it out (if it’s bad).

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” ~ Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist)

Unlike in science (magnetism), we attract whatever energy we’re exuding…

I am who/what/where/how/when/why I am…

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